Why should you engage a Consultant?

 In Business, Design

What is the point of hiring a consultant?

It was one of the first questions an industry peer asked me, after he found out that I had started my consultancy business specialising in industrial rope access compliance.

And I’ve been asked it several times since, and really, it is a logical question to ask when many perceive the easier solution of companies and organisations trying to solve problems internally; be it an identified non-conformance, a new market opportunity or a cost saving exercise. But in reality, companies need external consultants for a variety of different reasons.

If you have entertained the idea of hiring a consultant, here are some ways in which we can compliment your organisation.


Removed Approach

It’s common to reach out to friends or family members for opinions when facing an issue as getting an outsiders perspective on a situation or topic can offer insight and re-direction. It’s no different within an organisation or business.

Reaching out to an external source for an opinion offers a removed perspective. By selecting a consultant, you’re reaching out to a specialist who has a variety of experience in industry. It is this industry experience that allows new ideas to be presented to management or clients, who may not have seen or reached the presented solution or idea.


Time Critical

Change can be slow, or it can be urgent – regardless of the pace of change, having the time to implement it can be a struggle for many companies. Taking staff away from their primary responsibilities can affect the day-to-day flow of the company. Typically, new projects see a shift in priority of responsibilities too, be it short term or long term, or there can be the need to hire someone to fill a gap while someone else on the team focuses on a new project. But that is not always an appropriate solution, as the time it takes to train a new employee is added pressure.

If the project is a one off, there is a cost effective approach in bringing in a highly skilled consultant. We aren’t an employee, so we are often a cheaper alternative in the long term. We’re used to working with multiple clients, so we are fast learners to new systems and processes, making the on boarding process easier. There’s no need to pull existing employees away from their job when you use a consultant.


Unique Specialised Skillset

Irrespective of industry sector, a good consultant needs to have a specific skillset and knowledge that suit your needs. These skills and knowledge may be transferred as part of the project, ensuring your organisation and the project continue to succeed after the consultant has finished their work.

Typically, they are experts in a specific field, with experience that your existing team members do not have.


Through utilisation of an independent consultant, many projects can be given an edge to ensure that the systems are utilised to their fullest advantage, and continue to conform to organisational needs and objectives, as well as third party regulatory authorities and certifying bodies.


Have a project you think Eve Consulting could assist with? Get in touch today.



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