Standards Australia release Subscription for Work at Height Standards
Standards Australia release a curated Subscription Service for Small Businesses: What you need to know about the Work at Height Set.
Nearing on three years ago, WAHA members enquired about the possibility of receiving discounted access to Standards through their involvement with the SF015 Committee. Whilst exploring this opportunity, the Standards Australia store was going through a complete overhaul, in preparation for launching subscription access to Standards.
As part of Standards Australia’s shop development, the idea of a small curated suite of Standards was raised: making a bundle available to subscribers, instead of purchasing outright, users would be able to gain access to more, for less over time, and receive access to any updated standards that are part of the set, at no extra cost.
After a few months of working together, Standards Australia and the Working at Height Association came refine a list of Standards and we are pleased to announce that there is a “Work at Height” set available, curated for small businesses.
Working at heights refers to any job where individuals may face the risk of falling from one level to another. The standards in this set have been developed to provide guidelines and best practices for preventing falls and protecting workers across various industries including construction, civil engineering, confined spaces, residential and more.
This set is suitable for a wide range of professionals who work in environments where there is a risk of falling from one level to another. This includes site safety supervisors, rope access workers, height safety specialists, facilities management personnel, fall prevention system installers or re-certifiers, inspectors of height safety systems, engineers, architects, and designers.
It could also be relevant for manufacturers of fall prevention equipment and personal protective equipment.
The standards in this set help to ensure safety and compliance in preventing falls and injuries, with the aim of reducing the risk of significant harm to workers.
The Work at Height Set also offers subscribers:
- Access to the most-used standards in the industry
- Digital standards access across multiple devices
- A 2-user licence within their organisation
- The peace of mind that comes with automatic updates to all standards within the set
- Annual subscription terms at an affordable price
The standards in this set provide clear guidelines and best practices for working at heights, helping to reduce the risk of falls and injuries. Typical tasks these standards can help provide guidance on include climbing a ladder, accessing or exiting a work area, working near an excavation or void, working on a roof or exposed surface, working near an edge, work in fall-arrest or work positioning, and more.
As well as helping ensure safety and compliance, access to these standards:
• Provides in-depth industry knowledge to improve efficiency
• Affirms a business as a reputable operator
• Supports consistency across projects
The standards in this set are referenced in the WHS Act as well as several state and territory regulations, making them a crucial resource for employers and workers to fulfil legal obligations and maintain a safe work environment.
This set includes:
- AS/NZS 1891.4:2009, Industrial fall-arrest systems and devices, Part 4: Selection, use and maintenance
- AS/NZS ISO 22846.2:2020, Personal equipment for protection against falls — Rope access systems, Part 2: Code of practice
- AS 1892.5:2020, Portable ladders, Part 5: Selection, safe use and care
- AS 1657:2018, Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders — Design, construction and installation
- AS/NZS ISO 22846.1:2020, Personal equipment for protection against falls — Rope access systems, Part 1: Fundamental principles for a system of work
- AS 2865-2009, Confined spaces
Subscribe to the Work at Height Set from the Standards Australia Store today.