WAHA News – ASNZ 1891:1 Open for Public Comment
ASNZ 1891:1 Open for Public Comment
AS/NZS1891 Height Safety Standards Now Open for Public Comment
Standards Australia has formally advised of the release of two parts of the AS/NZS1891 series Standard for public comment:
(1) Standards AS/NZS1891.1 Personal Equipment for Work at Height, Part 1:
Manufacturing requirements for full body combination and lower body harnesses; and,
(2) Standards AS/NZS1891.5 Personal Equipment for Work at Height, Part 5: Lanyard assemblies and pole straps.
The WAHA has been actively involved in the drafting process of these Standards either through direct contribution by members, or through the nominated WAHA delegate on the committee.
The WAHA recommends that members take the time to download and assess these documents to provide feedback that clearly communicates and supports a constructive support for, or dissent with the content. Varying views exist across the membership group on the nature of the Standard changes and therefore the WAHA will not be making a separate or stand alone submission on behalf of all members at this time.
The public review closes on the 7th April, 2020, after which the committee will then review the content of feedback for second and final time, prior to being updated and sent to print.
Comment on a Draft Standard
The Public Comment period is considered to be an important stage in the development of an Australian Standard where the standard is open for comment by all persons having an interest in the standard. A ‘Public Comment’ period for Standards is typically a two to three month window,
however in this case, feedback on AS/NZS1891.1 and .5 will only be open until the 7th April, 2020 due the the fact that it is the second time it has been made available for public comment.
Please note Standard Australia Committees do not provide individual feedback on the comments provided. The adoption of ideas is only known during the committee assessment period and when the Standard has been finally printed and publicly released.
How to submit comments
Access to these revised Standards drafts and the avenue for providing feedback can be made directly through the Australian Standards website www.standards.org.au, and by searching for “Standards open for public comment”.
The current draft Standards available for comment are listed under “Draft Publications”. When you have located the draft on the website, click on the corresponding link to “Make a comment”.
Instructions on how to submit comments can be found on the inside cover page of the draft.
Draft Publication download process
Standards Australia has updated its process for downloading a Draft Standard.
Visitors are able to download the draft directly from Standards Australia by clicking on “Download draft”. Should you require further information or help regarding how to submit your comments please contact Standards Information Service on 1800 035 822 or mail@standards.org.au who are able to assist.
Richard Millar
M: 0477 788 045
E: ceo@waha.org.au
Standards Website: https://sapc.standards.org.au/sapc/public/listOpenCommentingPublication.action
Originally posted: https://www.waha.org.au/2020/03/asnz-18911-open-for-public-comment/